Blastocyst-Like Structures Generated From Human Pluripotent Stem Cells


Sun Sep 25, 2022 00:38:48-05:00


Human blastoids provide a readily accessible, scalable, versatile and perturbable alternative to blastocysts for studying early human development, understanding early pregnancy loss and gaining insights into early developmental defects.

Schematic Summary

Human blastoid formation from naive human PSCs and their potential applications


Leqian Yu#, Yulei Wei#, Jialei Duan#, Daniel A. Schmitz, Masahiro Sakurai, Lei Wang, Kunhua Wang, Shuhua Zhao, Gary C. Hon*, Jun Wu* (2021). Blastocyst-like structures generated from human pluripotent stem cells. Nature 591, 620–626.
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03356-y